Educate and empower youth

to take action for climate change and climate justice

Climate education & climate justice education is vital in a world, where the poorest countries experience the consequences of climate change much more than the countries causing the biggest amount of CO2 pollution.

Many students are only limited taught about climate change, and many young people don’t know about the inequalities of climate change. Others don’t have a community to express their opinions.

In order for the young generation to use their voices in the climate debate and drive positive change, they need education on how climate change affects social issues, how to promote activism and how to be a role model for others.

In short, we want to:
educate the climate justice ambassadors of tomorrow

  • This project hosts workshops for school students. The workshops include:

    • Teaching on climate change, the injustices regarding this and perspectives from Malawi

    • A field trip to learn about how others work with climate change & climate justice

    • Skill development in teaching. The project aims to educate the trainees to be able to teach younger students at schools.

  • At the end of the project, trainees will facilitate a workshop at a school and teach younger students about what they have learned. The goal is to have a group of climate justice activists educating students at schools.

  • The activist part of the project is about spreading awareness. This in done both in multiple ways.

    • The project hosts an open meeting for all young people above 18 year old, who is interested in climate change and climate justice. The purpose of the event is to spread knowledge and awareness and to empower the youth of Nkhata Bay to take action.

    • We participate in debates and spread awareness on climate justice issues on social media and within the community of Nkhata Bay District.



8 students from environmental club at the public school St. Augustine will be the first cohort attending workshops in climate justice starting in October.

Climate justice workshop

Teaching at schools

It is agreed that the trainees will visit St. Augustine and run a test workshop on climate change and climate justice at the end of the project in November.